Recognizing Attention Deficit Disorder and Anxiety in Children

We’ve heard a lot of myths concerning attention deficit disorder and anxiety in children. It’s time to set the record straight. 

First, ADHD is not a myth. It is a real disorder that affects 6.4 million children in the United States. Second, it doesn’t just affect boys. In fact, girls are just likely to get this disorder as boys. 

Unfortunately, many girls do not get the treatment they need. Use our tips below to help you recognize attention deficit disorder and anxiety in your children. 

Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD is a chronic condition that affects your ability to focus and react. However, while it is mainly seen in children, it can also be diagnosed in adults. The disorder is not curable and can last for years or an entire lifetime. 

To be clear, a couple of missed assignments or occasional bad conduct in school is normal. Children naturally find it difficult to sit still for long time. However, if your child consistently demonstrates characteristics such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, they might have ADHD. 

It’s also important to note that there are some children with ADHD who show only symptoms of inattention. They often stare into space, underperform in school and have trouble following rules. 

ADHD is often diagnosed between the ages of 4 to 7. However, if you think your child has this disorder, you can talk with a medical professional at any time.

Anxiety in Children

It’s not uncommon for children with ADHD to also have anxiety disorder. Anxiety, like ADHD, affects behavior. Some common symptoms include trouble sleeping, obsessive worrying, low energy, hopelessness, difficulty concentrating and irritability. You might also notice that your child begins to lose interest in activities.

It’s normal for children to display these symptoms occasionally. Parents should be concerned, however, if they last for weeks. 

If your child is exhibiting these symptoms, first go to a medical professional. They can help you find treatments that work. These typically include counseling services or medications. 

At home, there are some things you can do to help your child as well. First, pay attention to their feelings. During stressful and anxious periods, stay calm to help them get through it. Another helpful thing you can do is create routines so they know what to expect. Lastly, let your child know you are proud of their accomplishments.  

These tips will help make your home a safe haven for a child with anxiety. 

Call South Summit Pediatrics

If any of these symptoms sound like your child, schedule an appointment with us today. While ADHD and anxiety in children are not curable, there are treatments that can help make their lives better. 

We’ll help you find the best options for your family. Call us today!